פרופ' עלי לוין
בניין הפיקוס, קומה שלישית, 351
רקע אקדמי
בוגר הטכניון בחיפה, דוקטורט בנושא רוחב סרט ויעילות באנטנות מודפסות.
רקע מקצועי
מנהל המרכז לפיתוח ומדידת אנטנות באפקה ACAD, מרצה בכיר בבית הספר להנדסת חשמל
תקשורת ספרתית
מעבדה מתקדמת בתקשורת
אנטנות בתקשורת
רכיבי רדיו ומיקרוגלים
מערכות תקשורת אלחוטיות
אנטנות בתקשורת
רכיבי רדיו ומיקרוגלים
תקשורת ספרתית
מערכות תקשורת אלחוטיות
מעבדה מתקדמת בתקשורת
1. E. Levine, “An Interferometric Measurement System for Phase Mapping of Radomes”, MSc Thesis, Technion, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, September 1980.
2. D. Gordon, E. Levine and D. Treves, “Radome Phase Mapping”, Presented at the IEEE AP/ED/MTT Joint Chapter Symposium, Israel, October 1980.
3. J. Ashkenzy, E. Levine and D. Treves, “A Simple Microwave Interferometer for Measuring Effective Thickness of Dielectric Slabs”, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurements Vol. IM-30, pp. 243-247, December 1981.
4. E. Levine, S. Shtrikman and D. Treves, “Near Field Mapping of Microstrip Antennas, Proc. of the 12th European Microwave Conference, pp. 337-342, Helsinki, September 1982.
5. J. Ashkenazy, E. Levine, P. Perlmutter and S. Shtrikman, “Microstrip Beam Shifted Arrays”, Proc. of the 13th Convention of IEEE in Israel, paper 4.2.2, Tel Aviv, March 1983.
6. E. Levine, “Thermal Compensation of Varactor Tuned Oscillators”, Microwaves, pp. 81-83, August 1983.
7. J. Ashkenazy, E. Levine, P. Perlmutter and D. Treves, “Single Layer Microstrip Array in the Ka Band”, Presented at the IEEE AP/ED/MTT Joint Chapter Symposium, Tel Aviv, November 1983.
8. J. Ashkenazy, E. Levine and D. Treves, “Radiometric Measurement of Antenna Efficiency”, Elect. Lett. Vol. 21, pp. 111-112, January 1985.
9. E. Levine, P. Perlmutter and D. Treves, “Double Sided Printed Dipole Arrays”, Proc. of the 14th Convention of IEEE in Israel, paper 2.3.10, Tel Aviv, March 1985.
10. E. Levine, “Analysis of Printed Antennas Using Electric Surface Currents”, Presented at the IEEE AP/MTT Joint Chapter Symposium, Tel Aviv, December 1985.
11. J. Ashkenazy, E. Levine and D. Treves, “Conformal Arrays of Double-Sided Printed Dipoles”, IEEE AP-S Digest, pp. 553-556, June 1986.
12. E. Levine and D. Treves, “Test Technique Improves Coax to Microstrip Transitions, Microwaves & RF, pp. 99-102, July 1986.
13. E. Levine, G. Malamud and D. Treves, “High Gain Modular Microstrip Antennas”, Proc. of the 16th European Microwave Conference, pp. 655-660, Dublin, September 1986.
14. E. Levine, Bandwidth and Efficiency in Printed Antennas, PhD Thesis, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, December 1986.
15. E. Levine, “Efficiency Considerations in Printed Antennas”, Presented at the IEEE AP/MTT Joint Chapter Symposium, Israel, March 1987.
16. E. Levine, J. Ashkenazy and D. Treves, “Printed Arrays on a Cylinder”, Microwave Journal, pp. 85-92, March 1987.
17. E. Levine, S. Shtrikman and D. Treves, “Double Sided Printed Arrays with Large Bandwidth”, IEE Proc. H 135, pp. 54-59, February 1988.
18. H. Matzner, E. Levine and S. Shtrikman, “An Improved Moment Method Analysis of a Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna”, Presented at the IEEE AP/MTT Joint Chapter Symposium, Israel, April 1988.
19. H. Matzner, E. Levine and S. Shtrikman, “A Two Dimensional Solution of the Rectangular Patch Antenna” Proc. of the 16th IEEE Convention in Israel, paper 4.2.5, Tel Aviv, March 1989.
20. E. Levine and S. Shtrikman, “Optimal Design of Corporate Feed Printed Arrays Adapted to a Given Aperture”, Proc. of the 16th IEEE Convention in Israel, paper 4.2.6, Tel Aviv, March 1989.
21. E . Levine, Special Measurement Techniques for Printed Antennas, Chapter 16 in: Handbook of Microstrip Antennas, Editors: J.R. James and P.S. Hall, Peter Peregrinus Ltd, 1989.
22. E. Levine, G. Malamud, S. Shtrikman and D. Treves, “A Study of Microstrip Array Antennas with the Feed Network”, IEEE Trans. Ant. and Prop. Vol 37, AP-37, pp. 426-434, April 1989.
23. H. Matzner, E. Levine and S. Shtrikman, “Design Curves for Rectangular Microstrip Patch Based on an Improved Moment Method Solutions”, URSI Intl. Symposium in EM Theory Digest, pp. 73-75, Stockholm, August 1989.
24. E. Levine, H. Matzner and S. Shtrikman, “Efficient Moment Method Analysis and Synthesis of the Rectangular Microstrip Patch Radiator” Electromagnetics Journal Vol. 9, pp. 451-471, September 1989.
25. E. Levine and S. Shtrikman, “Broadband Dual Polarized Printed Arrays”, Proc. of the 19th European Microwave Conference, pp. 337-342, London, September 1989.
26. E. Levine, Civil Applications of Microwaves, Presented at the IEEE AP/MTT Joint Chapter Symposium, Israel, December 1989.
27. E. Levine and S. Shtrikman, “Experimental Comparison Between Four Dual Polarized Microstrip Antennas”, Microwave and Opt. Tech. Lett. Vol. 3, pp. 17-18, January 1990.
28. E. Levine, H. Matzner and S. Shtrikman, The Rectangular Patch Microstrip Radiator – Solution by Singularity Adapted Moment Method, in: Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, Vol. 82, pp. 277-325, Academic Press, 1991
29. E. Levine, H. Matzner and S. Shtrikman, “Analysis of Broadband Dual Patch Radiator by a Fast Convergent Moment Method”, Proc. of the 17th IEEE Convention in Israel, paper 2.2.1, Ramat Gan, March 1991.
30. E. Levine, T. Fishman and G. Tamir, “Aperture Coupled Printed Antenna for MMIC Applications”, Proc. of the 17th IEEE Convention in Israel, paper 2.2.2, Ramat Gan, March 1991.
31. E. Levine, D. Kerner and C. Samson, “Fiber Optic Networks for Phased Arrays”, Proc. of the 17th IEEE Convention in Israel, paper 5.2.8, Ramat Gan, March 1991.
32. E. Levine, H. Matzner and S. Shtrikman, “Efficient Moment Method Solution of a Center Fed Dual Disk Microstrip Antenna”, IEEE AP-S Digest, pp. 840-843, June 1991.
33. E. Levine, “Phased Arrays – Current Status and Future Directions”, Presented at the RF Microwave 92 Symposium, Herzlia, June 1992.
34. E. Levine, “Civil Applications for Microwave Technologies”, Presented at the RF Microwaves 94 Symposium, Herzelia, May 1994.
35. R. Bauer, E. Levine, H. Matzner and S. Shtrikman, “Analysis of a Microstrip Disk Antenna over a Finite Ground Plane”, Electromagnetics, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 485-497, May 1995.
36. S. Dryer, E. Levine, M. Peleg and A. Schrift, “EL/M 2080 – ATBM Early Warning and Fire Control Radar System”, Presented at the IEEE Intl. Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology, Boston, October 1996.
37. E. Levine, “Rapid Development Cycle of a Large-Scale Radar Program”, Presented at the 1st Symposium on Project Management in Israel, Herzlia, May 1997.
38. E. Levine, “Technical and Business Aspects of Mobile Satellite Communications”, Presented at the Communication 99 Symposium, Tel Aviv, May 1999.
39. Z. Eisenberg, E. Levine, Y. Karklinsky and G. Weitman, “Long Range Oblique Photography System”, Proc. of the 21th IEEE Convention in Israel, Tel Aviv, May 2000.
40. E. Levine, M. Kosher and G. Weitman, “CICD (Computerized Interface Control Document) for system engineering applications”, 1st INCOS IL Conference on system engineering, Herzlia, March 2002.
41. E. Levine and H. Matzner, "Introduction to Fractal Antennas", Presented at the IEEE AP/MTT Joint Chapter Symposium, Israel, September 2002.
42. H. Matzner and E. Levine, "Isotropic Radiators, Are they Possible ? Presented at the IEEE AP/MTT Joint Chapter Symposium, Israel, May 2005.
43. E. Levine, "RFID antennas – Overview and prospects", Presented at the IEEE AP/MTT Joint Chapter Symposium, Israel, May 2006.
44. E. Levine, "UWB printed antenans", Presented at the IEEE AP/MTT/CES Joint Chapter Symposium, Israel, May 2007.
45. E. Levine, "Multi-Antennas in Wireless Communications", Presented at the IEEE COMCAS Symposium, Israel, May 2008.
46. E. Levine, "Overview of GPS antennas", Presented at the IEEE COMCAS Symposium, Israel, November 2009.
47. A. Shokron and E. Levine, "Broadband Tactical Antenna Design", Proc. of the 26th IEEE Convention in Israel, Eilat, November 2010.
48. K. Josefberg, C. Lev and E. Levine, "Low Phase Noise Synthesizer with Integral FM Modulator", Proc. of the 26th IEEE Convention in Israel, Eilat, November 2010.
49. E. Marom, L. Landesman and E. Levine, "MIMO systems with One Directional Antenna", Proc. of the 26th IEEE Convention in Israel, Eilat, November 2010.
50. E. Levine, "Review of Large Radio Astronomy Arrays", presented at the IEEE COMCAS Symposium, Israel, November 2011.
51. I. Slouchsh and E. Levine, "Doherty Type High Power Amplifier with 33% Efficiency", Presented at the IEEE COMCAS Symposium, Israel, November 2011.
52. G. Aminov, E. Levi, H. Matzner and E. Levine, "Radial Wilkinson Power Divider", Presented at the IEEE COMCAS Symposium, Israel, November 2011.
53. H. Matzner and E. Levine, "Can l/4 Radiator be Really Isotropic", International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2012, Hindawy Publishing Corporation, New York, 2012.
54. R. Marino, R. Mashiah, H. Matzner and E. Levine, "Investigation of a Multi-Waveguide Fed Horn Antenna", SAP Journal of Wireless Networking and Communications, 2(1) 5-8, 2012.
55. R. Gotfrid, Z. Luvitzky, H. Matzner and E. Levine, "Broadband Balanced Microstrip Antenna Fed by a Waveguide Coupler", International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, Vol.7. No.4, July 2012.
56. L. Landesman, E. Marom and E. Levine, "Indoor link with 3 x 3 MIMO Polarized Antennas", Proc. of the 27th IEEE Convention in Israel, Eilat, November 2012.
57. R. Marino, H. Matzner and E. Levine, "Multi Beam Antennas for Cellular Networks", Proc. of the 27th IEEE Convention in Israel, Eilat, November 2012.
58. H. Matzner and E. Levine, "Sidelobe Reduction in Antenna Arrays with Different Elements", Proc. of the 27th IEEE Convention in Israel, Eilat, November 2012.
59. D. Katz and E. Levine, "Small Helical Antenna for a Personal Communication Device", Proc. of the 27th IEEE Convention in Israel, Eilat, November 2012.
60. A. Mestazky, H. Matzner and E. Levine, "N-Way Unequal Power Divider With Balanced Excitation", 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Sweden, EuCAP, April 2013.
61. O. Dabah, H. Matzner and E. Levine, "Short Horn Antenna Fed by Two Waveguides", 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Sweden, EuCAP, April 2013.
62. E. Levine and H. Matzner, "Some Definite Integrals Involving Algebraic, Trigonometric and Bessel Functions", International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 3(5), 114-150, May 2013.
63. L. Voshin, H. Matzner and E. Levine, "A Balanced Array Antenna Fed by Hybrid Wavguides", 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Thailnad APCAP, August 2013.
64. A. Schaefer, K. Iluz, E. Levine and H. Matzner, "A Compact Right Angle E-Plane Waveguide Adapter", 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Thailnad APCAP, August 2013.
65. N. Tako, G. Kabilo, E. Levine and H. Matzner, "Investigation of Thick Coax-to-Waveguide Transitions", 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Hague, EuCAP, April 2014.
66. A. Goldenberg, H. Matzner and E. Levine, "Gain Enhancement of a Microstrip Array Inserted Inside a Pyramidal Horn", 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Hague, EuCAP, April 2014.
67. E. Levine, "A Review of GPS Antennas", CET, Consumer Electronic Times, Vol. 3, Iss 3, pp. 233-241, July 2014.
68. E. Levine and H. Marzner, "Educational Kit for Antennas and Radiation", AP-S Magazine, Vol. 56. No. 2, pp.209-214, July 2014.
עלי לוין
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