פרופ' משה תשובה
בניין הפיקוס, קומה שלישית, 335
מרצה בכיר בבית הספר להנדסת מכנית במכללת אפקה - תל אביב. עבודת הדוקטורט בוצעה במחלקה למכניקת זורמים ומעבר חום, הפקולטה להנדסה באוניברסיטת תל אביב.
פרופ' תשובה הרצה באוניברסיטת תל אביב, האוניברסיטה הפתוחה ומספר מכללות בארץ. בנוסף, מנחה חשיבה המצאתית שיטתית SIT.
רקע טכני:
יו"ר ענף אנרגיה של לשכת המהנדסים בישראל. יו"ר וחבר בכמה ועדות תקינה במכון התקנים הישראלי. בעבר כיהן כיו"ר האגודה לאנרגיה מתחדשת בישראל.
פרופ' משה תשובה הוא מומחה בתחומי תרמודינמיקה, מעבר חום, זרימה רב פאזית, ניהול מערכות אנרגיה. יש לו מעל 25 שנות ניסיון בפיתוח וניהול פרויקטים; שירת כמנהל פיתוח בחברת הנדסה, ושימש כמהנדס ומנהל פרויקטים בחטיבת הפיתוח בצה"ל.
פרופ' תשובה מספר פטנטים רשומים.
מעבר חום
תרמודינמיקה 2
הנדסה למעשה
סמינר אנרגיה מתחדשת ומדיניות ציבורית
סמינר פיתוח בר קיימא
2019-2021 Horizon 2020 emerging companies, €600,000, Cancer Detection, with Assaf Gur Gabriel Polliack and Sharon Gat
2014 – 2018 Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Program, €1,206,000 Support tool for energy efficiency programs in medical centers (STEER), with David Berla, Sharon Gat, Jorge Casillas, Athanasios Kalogeras, Christos Anagnostopoulos, Daniele Liberanome, Luca Ferrarini, Giacomo Di Benedetto, George Kalogeras, Marek Trojanowicz, Mateusz Marmolowski
2017 – 2018 Ministry of Energy, 300,000 NIS, Pioneer and demonstration facilities, with David Berla
Scholarships, Awards and Prizes
2023 Brian Medved Award at the 2023 Eilat Eliot Renewable Energy Conference. For his contribution to strengthening the field of clean energy in academia.
2020 EIT Health Fund Award for H.T. Bioimaging
2019 Award for completed IBM Alpha Zone accelerator project with IBM-Watson (€550K) - cancer detection system.
2019 1st place in Intel Alumni’s Next-Leap-Ventures competition - cancer detection system
2019 10 Most Advanced Medical Imaging Solution Providers list of InsightsCare - cancer detection system
2018 WeWork Creator Awards Winner, Jerusalem ($75K) – Solar desalination system
2017 3rd place at FoodTech Startup Pitch in Tel Aviv
2016 MedTech Accelerator Award - cancer detection system
2015 – 2020 Management & Teaching Excellence Prize, Afeka Academic College of Engineering, Tel Aviv
2015 Tnufa Kickoff Grant – to develop a cancer detection system
2014 Tnufa Kickoff Grant - for the development of the UltraFlow Nebulizer system
2012 Tnufa Kickoff Grant – for the development of a system of dispensing drugs without preservatives
2007 Creative Thinking Award, Israeli Ministry of Defense (Mafat)
Confidential project - the thermal design of the system
Patents (granted)
Toledano Shani [IL], Rosenbach Yoav [IL], Tshuva Moshe [IL], Gat Sharon [IL], A device and method for cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment guidance using active thermal imaging, Patent no.: US2017027450 (A1), Year patent granted: 2017.
Emmerich Ziev Yosef [GB], Tshuva Moshe [IL], Altman Joshua [IL], Device for treating contaminated water, Patent no. WO2016120865 (A1), Year patent granted: 2016.
Burstein Pinchas [IL], Altman Joshua [IL], Tshuva Moshe [IL], Medical applicator, Patent no.: US2015246212 (A1), Year patent granted: 2015.
Schoenfeld Alexander [IL], Nesher Yaco [IL], Altman Joshua [IL], Tshuva Moshe [IL], Combustible fluid fuel, Patent no.: US2013067924 (A1), Year patent granted: 2013.
Eliachar Eliahu [IL], Eilat Eran [IL], Altman Joshua [IL], Tshuva Moshe [IL], A two-step multi-dose medicament dispenser, Patent no.: WO2012101634 (A3); WO2012101634 (A2), Year patent granted: 2012.
Eilat Eran [IL], David Robert [US], Altman Joshua [IL], Tshuva Moshe [IL], Device for applying an ophthalmic medicament mist, Patent no.: US2012179122 (A1), Year patent granted: 2012.
Tshuva Moshe [IL], Altman Joshua [IL], Apparatus and method for imaging integrated circuits and the like, Patent no.: WO2007088552 (A9); WO2007088552 (A1), Year patent granted: 2007.
Altman Joshua [IL], Tshuva Moshe [IL], Leshem Zeev [IL], Haas Nadav [IL], Kerner Avi [IL], Lederer Udi [IL], Detection of imperfections in precious stones, Patent no.: US2005117145 (A1), Year patent granted: 2005.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Tshuva M, Barnea D, Taitel Y. Two-phase flow in inclined parallel pipes. Int. J. Multiphase Flow 1999; 25:1491-1503.
Q1, H index 122, Impact Factor 3.186, Cited by 58
Taitel Y, Pustylnik L, Tshuva M, Barnea D. Flow distribution of gas and liquid in parallel pipes. Int. J. Multiphase Flow 2003; 29:1193-1202.
Q1, H index 122, Impact Factor 3.186, , Cited by 41
Van Hout R, Rinsky V, Sasson N, Hershcovich C, Tshuva M, Grobman Y. Axisymmetric jet impingement on a dimpled surface: effect of impingement location on flow field characteristics. Int. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow 2018; 74:53-64.
Q1, H index 110, Impact Factor 2.879, , Cited by 8
Mittelman, R. Eran, L. Zhivin, O. Eisenhändler, Yossef Luzon, M. Tshuva. The Potential of Renewable Electricity in Isolated Grids: The Case of Israel in 2050. Applied Energy (2023).
Q1, H index 275, Impact Factor 11.446
Articles in Conference Proceedings
Tshuva M., Barnea D, Taitel Y. Instability and non-uniformity of two-phase flow in parallel pipes. 2nd International Conference of Multiphase Flow, Kyoto, Japan 1995.
Tshuva M. Inventive thinking in education. 7th International Conference of Thinking, Singapore 1997.
Tshuva M., Barnea D, Taitel Y. Flow distribution of gas and liquid in parallel pipes. 3rd International Conference of Multiphase Flow, Lyon, France 1998.
Van Hout, V. Rinsky, N. Sasson, Y. Grobman, M. Tshuva, L. Pustylnik Flow field measurements of a round jet impinging on smooth and dimpled surfaces. 9th Symposium of Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, THMT Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2018.
Tshuva M., Avineri E., Benagou Y., Rappaport Y., Berla D., Gat S. Energy efficiency of lighting systems in medical centers. 8th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Sciences (SEES 2019) ISSN: 2251-189X Singapore 2019
Tshuva M., Altman J. Device for Applying an Ophthalmic Medicament Mist. 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Kobe, Japan 2023.
משה תשובה
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