ד"ר דוד אבישי
בניין הפיקוס, קומה שלישית, 305
Research Areas
Designed, developed, and built over 30 integrated industrial engineering teaching laboratories in universities and colleges worldwide. Academic manager and teacher in the Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory of Azrieli College. Developed and manages the first training laboratory for new Industry 4.0 technologies. Specializes and develops projects for automation of production and the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies in practice. Specialist in robotics, CNC machines, machine vision and e-learning.
Notable Articles:
Adaptation between a robot with five degrees of freedom and one or two cameras in a vertical line. Determination of systematic and kinematic error.
Use of robotics and artificial intellect in forth industrial revolution.
Industry 4.0 – Robotics with elements of artificial intelligence.
Lab from Home: Remote Educational Operation of Industrial Equipment.
Lab digitalization - Industry 4.0: Streamline the lab work process.
Distance (online) learning in higher education, lectures, exercise in laboratory, exams.
Academic training in intelligent engineering, preparing engineers for the fourth industrial revolution.
Applying the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution to the third automotive revolution.
מבוא לרובוטיקה
מערכות ייצור ממחושבות CIM
Peer Reviewed Papers
Avishay David, Pavlov Veselin, Avramov Ivan; Creating and testing a calibration procedure for mutual work of the coordinate systems of educational manipulation robot and stationary video camera, magazine "Mechanics of the Machines", ISSN 0861-9727, book 80, 2009, p.3-12.
Avishay David, Pavlov Veselin; Adaption of a program for position management of manipulation robot towards a working place for assembly with systematically plane errors. “Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing” – An international journal of manufacturing 27(2011), p.509-513. Impact factor 4.392*, Q 1.
Avishay David, Pavlov Veselin, Avramov Ivan; Designing and testing a calibrating procedure for combining the coordination systems of a handling robot and a stationed video camera. “Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing” – An international journal of manufacturing 27(2011) p.514-520. Impact factor 4.392*, Q 1.
Avishay David, Pavlov Veselin, Pavlova Galia; Forth industrial revolution, robotics and production, automation with elements of artificial intelligence, International Journal for Science, “Technics and Innovations for the Industry”, ISSN PRINT 1313-0226, ISSN WEB 1314-507X, YEAR XI, Issue 11/207, 2017.
Avishay David, Stoler Hillel; Project oriented robotics course for engineering students with a hands-on approach. “Journal of Robotics and Mechanical Engineering Research”, Verizona Publisher, Jan. 2018, p. 5-6, ISSN 2059-4909.
Avishay David, Pavlov Veselin, Stoler Hillel, Kashi Guy; Application of the capacitive method for technical and economic analysis, for optimization of processes in CIM production systems. “Journal of Robotics and Mechanical Engineering Research”, Verizona Publisher, Jan. 2018, p. 1-4, ISSN 2059-4909.
Avishay David, Pavlov Veselin Pavlova Galia, Kashi Guy; Industry 4.0 – The new qualities of the robotics with artificial intelligence. “Journal of Robotics and Mechanical Engineering Research”, Verizona Publisher, Sep. 2019, ISSN 2059-4909.
Avishay David, Pavlov Veselin Pavlova Galia, Kashi Guy; Intelligent Robotics in Smart-Factories During the Fourth Industrial Revolution. “International Journal of Robotics Engineering”, Vibgyor epress, ISSN: 2631-5106, Impact factor 1.10*.
Avishay David Etgar Ran; Computerized Production Systems - Lab Exercise Lab, Afeka Tel Aviv Academic College of Engineering, Second Editing 2008.
Аvishay David, Formoza Asaf; Basics of the robotics, laboratory exercises – textbook with applicable laboratory exercises, Academic Engineering College “Sami Shamoon” – Beer Sheva, 2010.
Аvishay David, Formoza Asaf; Laboratory exercises with systems CIM – textbook with applicable laboratory exercises, Academic Engineering College “Sami Shaimoon” – Beer Sheva, 2010.
Papers and Abstracts – Proceeding of Conferences
All Publications are Accompanied by Conference Lectures and Presentation
Avishay David, Pavlov Veselin; Training System for industrial robots and flexible manufacturing, Proceedings of the scientific reports PRACTRO 2007, Varna, June 2007, p.103-109.
Avishay David, Pavlov Veselin;Sort by robot tangible objects identified by image plane of stationary video camera, Sat Till. Seventeenth NNTK with international participation, ADP, Semkovo, sept. 2008, p.179-187.
Avishay David, Pavlov Veselin; Adaption of a program for position management of manipulation robot towards a working place for assembly with systematically plane errors. Collection of scientific reports from PRACTRO 2009, Sozopol, June 2009.
Avishay David; Methods for accelerated technical and economic analysis of robotized modules, serviced from conveyor with freely moving satellites, Collection of scientific reports from PRACTRO 2009, Sozopol, June 2009.
Avishay David, Mazor Gdalia, Pavlov Veselin; Application of the capacitive method for technical and economic analysis, for optimization of processes in CIM production systems. ADP (Discrete manufacturing automation), Sozopol June 2011, book 2, p.735-742.
Avishay David, Pavlov Veselin, Stoler Hillel; Improving the position accuracy and movement in vertical rights anthropomorphic robot with five degrees of freedom through education. ADP (Discrete manufacturing automation), Sozopol June 2014, p.298-303.
Avishay David, Pavlov Veselin, Stoler Hillel; Improvement of positional accuracy and movement on a 5-degree vertical rotor anthropomorphic robot through training. Designing an experimental Part two. Varna, Sept. 2015 "Mechanics of the machines", ISSN 0861-9727, book 110, p.7-10.
Avishay David, Stoler Hillel; Project oriented robotics course for engineering students with a hands-on approach. ADP (Discrete manufacturing automation), Sozopol, June 2016, p.174-178.
Avishay David, Pavlov Veselin, Stoler Hillel; Pavlova Galia; A virtual model for correcting a robot's kinematic error in a working position through two video cameras and training. ADP (Discrete manufacturing automation), Sozopol, June 2016, p.179-185.
Avishay David, Pavlov Veselin, Pavlova Galia; Forth industrial revolution – artificial intellect, robotics and automation. ADP (Discrete manufacturing automation), Sozopol, June 2017, p. 28-33.
Avishay David, Pavlov Veselin, Pavlova Galia, Kashi Guy; Industry 4.0 – The new qualities of the robotics with artificial intelligence. 27th Scientific and Technical Conference ADP, Sozopol 21-24 June 2018, Bulgaria p.130-137.
דוד אבישי
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