Highlights from Afeka’s Class of 2022-23 Commencement Ceremony
Afeka, The Academic College of Engineering in Tel Aviv conferred B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in engineering and computer science upon its 2022-23 graduating class of 702 students – the colleges largest graduating class to date.
The ceremony was held on June 19 2024, in the midst of the Iron Swords war, after a six-month delay designed to allow student reservists to compete all their degree requirements and receive their diplomas together with their classmates. A crowd of 2500 family members, faculty and staff filled the Charles Bronfman auditorium at the Tel Aviv Culture Center in order to celebrate their achievement in an especially moving ceremony.
The 2023-24 graduating class at Afeka faced challenges unlike any class before them. Shortly after they began their journey to becoming engineers, a global pandemic hit, forcing the, to spend most of their freshman year online and the following two years in hybrid learning. This year, just as the coveted diploma was finally in sight, came Oct. 7th, and the ensuing Iron Swords War – the longest and most challenging conflict Israel has every faced, and over 40% of Afeka’s students were immediately called to military service, among them were those who were on the cusp of completing their degree.
At the ceremony, alongside the great excitement of finally graduating this exceptional class, were feelings of grief for the six Afeka students and alumni who were either murdered on Oct. 7th or killed in combat, concern for well-being of our soldiers and reservists. But also hope for the future of our country – a country whose only resource is its human capital, among whom are the very engineers who received their diploma on that day, and who will now take part in ensuring Israel's recovery, growth, resilience, and sustainability during and after the war.
During the ceremony, Afeka also revealed this year’s Honorary Fellows, a title awarded annually to reputable individuals in their fields, who have made significant contributions to science, technology, the country or society.
Honorary Alumnus
The "Honorary Alumnus" award was presented to Lt. Col. Barr Inbar, Head of BASMACH, in recognition of his service as a visionary leader who combines exceptional professionalism with an inspiring educational, moral and social mission, and for spearheading programs whose graduates make pivotal contributions to national security, while providing opportunities to young Israelis from the social and geographic periphery.

This year, the Afeka Honorary Titles Committee chose to elect four IDF officers who made remarkable contributions to the security of Israel during their service in the "Iron Swords" war while demonstrating exceptional values of selflessness, loyalty, personal example and leadership:
Lt. Col. Revital Barzani Commander of the Israeli Air Force 66th Battalion
In recognition of her pioneering and inspirational leadership as a commander of an air defense battalion during the Iron Swords War, for exemplifying exceptional initiative and guiding skilled operators in critical air defense missions while upholding the highest standards of excellence, and for her significant contribution to the security of the State of Israel.
In recognition of her pioneering and inspirational leadership as a com…
Lt. Col. (res.) Erez Saadon, Commander of the 'Phoenix' Armored Unit
In recognition of his exceptional work demonstrating innovative problem-solving skills and creative use of technologies, significantly enhancing armored combat capabilities, for his visionary leadership in establishing and commanding the ‘Phoenix’ reserve unit during the Iron Swords War, and for his invaluable contribution to the security of the State of Israel.
In recognition of his exceptional work demonstrating innovative proble…
Lt. Col. Avishag Sabag Reuven, Head of the IDF Reserves Planning Division
In recognition of her exemplary work during the Iron Swords War, demonstrating exceptional leadership and management skills in organizing the largest reserve mobilization in the country’s history, for being an inspiring motivator and leader during crisis, and for her outstanding contribution to the security of the State of Israel.
In recognition of her exemplary work during the Iron Swords War, demon…
Col. Benny Aharon, Commander of the 401st Brigade
In recognition of his extraordinary actions during the Iron Swords War - his unwavering fortitude, initiative, leadership, determination, and heroism, which exemplify the exceptional human spirit of our nation, for serving as a beacon of inspiration to the younger generation, and for his profound contribution to the security of the State of Israel.
In recognition of his extraordinary actions during the Iron Swords War…

Class of 2022-2023 Degree Ceremony
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