The graduate program in medical engineering is a natural step that reflects the trust accorded to Afeka College in general and the School of Medical Engineering in particular. Having trained numerous young engineers who’ve gone on to become part of the industry, we are now taking a step forward by providing undergraduate science and engineering alumni with a home in which to further develop, broaden their professional and engineering skills, and deepen their knowledge of this ever-evolving field. Medical engineering allows to combine first-rate technological capabilities with a drive for mission, meaning, and added value. As an extension of the undergraduate program, the graduate program provides the same ethical-professional perspective. Most of the quality faculty from our undergraduate program will also serve on the graduate faculty. Each of the two specializations – physiological system mechanics and digital healthcare – represents a fascinating, fast-developing, highly sought-after discipline within medical engineering. Through meticulous work, we’ve built comprehensive, highly enriching curricula – from a diverse professional faculty whose key mission is to educate and professionally train program alumni; through relevant content that drills down into cutting-edge contemporary subjects; to collaborations with medical and industry centers. On a personal note, working in medical engineering stems from the need for challenging work at the forefront of technology along with a sense of purpose. Today’s reality and technological developments and the search for occupational meaning have all been taken into account in building this program, and are integral to every part of it.