What is the graduate program in medical engineering?
The graduate program in medical engineering continues directly from the undergraduate program. It is designed to train certified experts in two fields: •Physiological system mechanics – A classic specialization in medical engineering, combining mechanical aspects with technologies and physiological systems for medical purposes. •Digital healthcare – An exclusive specialization at Afeka, including courses on medical data mining, computational learning, medical information systems, remote healthcare systems, and medical technologies used at home. Both specializations combine the students’ multidisciplinary knowledge in engineering, software (programming languages, medical signal processing, medical image processing), and clinical engineering. Both disciplines, physiological system mechanics and digital healthcare, are currently at the forefront of medical engineering and biomedicine. Completing either of the programs will be a major asset for both the alumnus and their future employer. The knowledge gained by the student in the course of the graduate program will allow them to fill specific professional roles at the heart of today’s engineering and development – roles greatly sought after and invested in by the market.

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Head of the program
Dr. Sara Naftali

Dr. Sara Naftali
The graduate program in medical engineering is a natural, logical next step that reflects the faith placed in Afeka College in general and the school of medical engineering in particular. Thus far, we have trained numerous young engineers who’ve joined the industry, and now we take another step forward – providing undergraduate alumni of science and engineering with a home in which to further their professional development as engineers, broaden their skills and proficiencies, and deepen their knowledge in this ever-evolving discipline. Medical engineering is a field that allows to combine first-rate technological abilities with a sense of calling and a drive towards meaning and added value. As a continuation of the undergraduate program, the graduate track was built upon the same ethical and professional perspective. Most of the excellent professional faculty from the undergraduate program will also teach in the graduate program. On a personal note, let me say that working in medical engineering stems from a need for challenging endeavor at the forefront of technology along with a sense of mission. The current reality, the technological developments, and the search for meaning in one’s work – all were factored into building this program, and run as a common thread throughout its curriculum.
Faculty Members
Medical Engineering
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