Energy and Power Systems Engineering
The academic program in energy and electric power systems engineering is a first-of-its-kind interdisciplinary program combining mechanical engineering and electric engineering. The program provides its students with a broad, comprehensive perspective of energy and power, enabling them to design, monitor, and develop advanced systems. Examples of these systems include roads that charge vehicles as they drive, developing alternative fuels and energies, and more

Service systems: including courses on service operations management, process management, and organizational innovation development 2.Infrastructure systems – including courses on spatial data systems, infrastructure systems design, water and sewage, and decision-making and risk-management 3.Business systems – including courses on business and financial planning, product management, business process management, and system integration

Program Faculty
The program’s faculty members have years of practical and research experience in a variety of unique specialties. Leading the program is Prof. Erel Avineri, who has many years of experience in advanced transportation systems. The Energy Systems track is led by Dr. Moshe Tshuva, head of the School of Mechanical Engineering and an expert on energy systems management, thermodynamics, and heat transfer. The Electric Power track is led by Dr. David Berla, head of the School of Electrical Engineering and an expert on advanced power systems and lightning protection systems. Other faculty members’ specialties include heat conversion, solar energy, vehicle and transport systems, and energy storage – to mention just a few

What makes this program unique?
The graduate program in energy and electric power systems engineering is designed to train experts in those fields, and place them at the forefront of its research and development. This unique, innovative degree, taught exclusively at Afeka, provides students with advanced, up-to-date knowledge and a comprehensive, integrative, system-wide perspective that will help them with research and with entering key roles in this field.
The energy resource crisis, the high cost of producing energy, and the environmental and regulatory implications of its production call for proper energy planning and management – as well as the ability to locate and develop alternative technologies and deal with multidisciplinary system-wide challenges. Thus, the field of energy and electric power has become one of the economy’s key fields – a continuing trend that creates the need for experts with engineering knowledge, a broad systemic understanding of the market, and deep familiarity with the energy market’s unique aspects. Alumni of this program will acquire the skills and the broad perspective needed to stand at the forefront of research and development in this field


Energy systems in a tire manufacturing plant
Head of the program
Prof. Erel Avineri

Prof. Erel Avineri
The energy resource crisis, as well as the high cost and the environmental and regulatory implications of energy production, call for proper energy planning and management – along with the ability to locate and develop alternative technologies and deal with multidisciplinary systemic challenges. Thus, the field of energy and electric power has become central to today’s economy. The trends and processes in this field, which are still ongoing, have fueled the need for experts with engineering knowledge, a broad systemic understanding of the energy market, and a deep familiarity with its unique aspects. The graduate program in energy and power systems engineering offers two tracks: • The non-thesis graduate track is designed to train experts in these fields, and to place them at the forefront of their application and development. This unique, innovative track, exclusive to Afeka, provides students with advanced, up-to-date knowledge and a comprehensive, integrative, system-wide perspective that will enable them to take on key roles in this field. • The research track, which includes writing a scientific-engineering research paper (thesis), provides students with a broad, in-depth, groundbreaking understanding of one of the most sought-after and dynamic research fields today. Graduates of this track can go on to doctoral studies, become faculty members at academic institutions, and take on various roles in the industry. These graduate studies provide extensive skills and a broad perspective, and those who opt for the thesis track will be able to lead their field.
Faculty Members
Energy and Electric Power Systems Engineering
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